Have You Checked Your Air Filter Lately?

       While doing a routine oil change we found that a bird had flew up in a customer's air vent and landed just under the air filter. Our oil changes here at Rick's Auto consists of changing the oil and oil filter and, we lube all fittings on steering linkage, ball joints & drive shaft(s); we check and correct all fluid levels to include brake fluid; power steering fluid, coolant, battery acid (unless a sealed battery, automatic transmission fluid. Check tire pressure an and install "Next Service Due" sticker. This was quite a surprise and a first in 35 years to see an actual bird in the air filter compartment.

Air filters allow as much air as possible to enter the engine while collecting anything that will damage the engine.This part is actually quite a bit more complicated than it may sound. The engine produces a vacuum that pulls it's suction through the air filters tiny holes.

A air filter is like a net (in the picture above we caught a bird). In reality, the air filter's holes would only be big enough to pass the individual oxygen particles through, holding back anything not required for combustion. Oxygen atoms are physically smaller then the nitrogen atoms (which amount to seventy-eight percent of our planet's atosphere by volume). Both are far smaller than any dust particulate which is the main area of concern regarding the safety of your motor.

Filters are manufactured using several different materials. The most common is dry paper or cotton gauze, but other well-known options include foam and oil-impregnated cotton. Foam filters typically flow very well, but aren't very durable. The oil-impregnated cotton filters helps dust particles to stick to the fibers, meaning that the holes can be larger to flow for better increased air flow. Most aftermarket performance filters are of this type.

Get your air filter checked at Rick's Auto in Forestville and we will evaluate your intake and air flow to see how your exact vehicle's engine is operating at it's max performance. Furthermore, if somehow we can recommend a better air filter for your engine to maximize fuel efficiency and gas mileage we can do so at this time.

Rick's Complete Automotive Repair: 6560 Railroad Ave. Forestville, C.A. 95436 (707-887-1641) www.ricksauto.blogspot.com

How Timing Belt Replacement Works

Have you ever heard a band where the trumpets play off-beat, the cymbals slam into each other and the saxophone player simply drops the ball on his job. This is what could happen if the drummer of a band, the keeper of tempo, went missing. In the world of automotive maintenance, visualizing this scenario can help illustrate the timing belt's role and what can go wrong without routine replacement around the 60K-100K mile zone.
The timing belt is a synthetic rubber compound, which is reinforced with fiber cords, and in the car maintenance world much like a drummer of a band -- the timing belt keeps everything in the engine in sync. When the engine is on, it's in constant, timed motion, thanks to the belt, the connection between the crankshaft and camshaft allows the engine to run at it's best.
So is this important to replace? Well, the crankshaft converts linear energy from the pistons, which move up and down, into rotational energy that eventually turns the wheels. The camshaft opens and closes the engine's valves to allow air and gas in and out of the engine. The timing belt links the two in harmony. Without it, the pistons and valves would collide and your engine would stop running leaving you on the side of the road.

Obviously, this is bad news for vehicle maintenance as this internal collision can cause destruction fair amount of engine damage. Therefore, it's important to stay ahead of your belt's lifespan -- traditionally replacing it every four years or 60,000 miles (96,561 kilometers) or, in newer vehicles, every 100,000 miles (160,934 kilometers). Be sure to check your vehicle's maintenance manual to see what your car or truck's manufacturer suggests.
So we've all accepted the timing belt's importance, but that doesn't mean you have to spend your days worrying that your belt will force you to pay a large maintenance bill. Instead, you can act as the band director and keep that timing belt in check by watching its wear and arming yourself with the knowledge to replace it.
A typical timing belt job can eat your pocket book between $400-$800 depending on the vehicle but having maintenance done on your vehicle can extend it's life being reasonably cheaper then a new car.
Contact us here at Rick's Complete Automotive 707-887-1641 or stop by the shop located at 6560 Railroad Ave. Forestville, CA 95436 and we'll take a look at your belt to see how worn it is.

The History of Rick's Auto Race Team

 During the many year Rick's Auto has been in business Rick Tacla used to Race at Petaluma Speedway with his own race car and team for recreational activity. Here are some of the pics from the race team and car that represented Rick's Auto in Forestville, California. Thanks everyone for the memories and hard work!!

These pictures were taken as part of Rick's Auto Race Team in the early 80's. The race car was built at the shop and maintained throughout his race career with various team members. Thanks again to all the sponsors! 

Rick's Complete Automotive
6560 Railroad Ave. 
Forestville, CA 95436

Celebrating 35 years in Business!

           Rick's Complete Automotive in Located at 6560 Railroad Ave. Forestville, CA 95436 
                                                     707-887-1641 OR 707-887-2281
 Celebrating 35 years in business!

Owner Rick Tacla has built this small business located in Forestville California's first Fire Department building into a long lasting referral based company well-known in the West Sonoma County area.

Rick started out his career help customers by pumping gas as a teen in Forestville, CA and now has built a stable company surviving the tests of time within an economy that has had it's share of ups and downs. Rick's Auto located in the small town of Forestville, California was established in 1978 and strives to support the local community with thier auto repair needs. 

Rick Tacla, a family man married to Diana Tacla (an RN at Kaiser) had three boys, the oldest son Craig Tacla is teaching at Sacramento State University in the Physical Education Department and his middle son, Devin Tacla is working in the Sports Training Facility for California State University, Chico. His youngest son, Keith Tacla is helping Operations with Rick's Auto in Forestville using his Business Degree given to him for California State University, San Marcos to move the business forward into the next generation.

Rick after recently retiring from coaching El Molino varsity baseball for 30 years decide to shut it down and play more golf with friends and family while only coming into the shop a couple of times a week to support operations. He was born and raised in Sonoma County, California and has lived here his whole life.

The "Honest Approach" he has given his customers throughout the years has kept his doors open and customers know they can trust Rick to repair ONLY what is needed on their vehicles.  Loyal customers have come from all over Northern California to bring their auto repair needs to Rick's Auto in Forestville spanning from all the way north of Fort Ross, CA to the South Bay Area. 

Finally, with this well-known track record he continues to support his community through donations and involvement within Sonoma County non-profit organizations.

Come on by and give this business a chance to exceed your expectations with all your automotive repair needs. 

Income protection insurance

Income protection insurance

BLOG INSURANCE Income protection insurance

Income protection insurance is required when your income stopped due to your inability to work. It may happen due to accident or any illness. Therefore, the income protection insurance comes handy when you disabled to work. This income protection insurance will protect you from being unemployed. It is a boon in your adversity. It will save your family from the financial crisis. The policyholder of the income insurance will get the benefits from this income protection insurance. The benefits will be paid regularly as it mentioned in the policy agreement to the policyholder. The insurance company cannot discontinue the benefits of the insurance policy, if the policyholder regularly pays the premium of the insurance. The cheapest car insurance comes under the income insurance banner.

Because, the cheapest car insurance is designed for the car driver or truck drivers. In the most of the cases, the income security comes handy for the unemployed truck drivers who may become unemployed due to the accident of sickness. If the individuals pay the premiums, then the premiums does not come under the tax relief whereas, if the premiums are paid by the employers, then these premiums comes under the tax relief regime. The deferred period of the income insurance policy is very much crucial for the policyholder and the insurance company. The deferred period of the insurance policy is the main determinant of the insurance policy cost. The cheapest car insurance is very much suitable for the car industry. Because it not only cover the driver’s insurance but also the full insurance cover of the car owner.

This cheapest car insurance actually, depends on the criteria of the car owner and its passengers. If the owner comes from the higher up society then the insurance premium will be high and will get the maximum benefits from it. The insurance policy holder may increase the value of the premiums at any time if it requires. Even, the policyholder of the cheapest car insurance can request the insurance company to review it, if the policyholder has any doubt about its benefits and services. The policyholder of the cheapest car insurance is pleased with the insurance company’s service, and then the policyholder can renew the insurance policy. Therefore, the income insurance is not only giving the benefits to the policyholders itself rather it also giving the benefits to the society.

Don’t Forget to Put Renter’s Insurance on Back-to-School Supply List

Don’t Forget to Put Renter’s Insurance on Back-to-School Supply List

School is back-in-session which means your college aged child will begin to venture out on their own and move out of the house. No matter if you child chooses to reside in a traditional dorm room or move into a college apartment however it’s important that your child considers getting renter’s insurance—this will help safeguard your child’s personal and expensive belongings such as e-readers and laptops. And if you think your child’s items won’t need protection because they will be surrounded by “educated” students and reside in a “good” environment think again—theft in college is extremely common (intelligence has nothing to do with immorality, some students will steal anything from their peers); natural disasters can occur without warning; and last but not least college students can be just careless with their belongings. And for families that are already scrapping ends meat to send their child to school, replacing those important and expensive items out of pocket may not be easy to do.
Thus it’s important that your child is set up with proper renter’s insurance to help protect them if an unfortunate situation were to ever occur during their college career. Note that while most residences will most likely recommend a specific company to obtain renter’s insurance, your child does not have to go through them—a better alternative is to check with your vehicle insurance agency first. Since you already have a policy with them the company may just be able to provide you with some sort of discount. You can also shop around on your own to find a better deal. That said, to learn more about the kind of rental insurance your child will need for either living arrangement, continue reading below.
College Dorm Living
If your child chooses to live in a college dorm he or she may not necessarily have to buy renter’s insurance at all—your traditional homeowner’s insurance policy (or renter’s insurance policy) may very well cover some of your child’s items. And by some we mean only about 10 percent. This is because most homeowners and renter’s insurance policies put restrictions on what can and cannot be claimed once the items are off of the original property i.e. your home. So for example, if you already purchased insurance that covers $50,000, this means only $5,000 would be able to be applied to any losses your child may face.  If you don’t feel as though this is enough protection then consider getting full renter’s insurance coverage.  Just make sure to speak with your insurance company first to get the exact summary of how much your homeowner’s insurance can/will protect your child.
Apartment Dweller
 Slowly most apartment complexes are starting to mandate that residents purchase renter’s insurance in order to move-in. It makes sense, there are bigger and more valuable items located in an apartment, including television sets, desktop computers, clothes, and jewelry just to name a few. But if it is not required your child should definitely get it anyway. The added expense won’t be too much either. Some coverage policies are as little as a $100 a lease term. And your child will be thankful he or she spent a few extra dollars to protect his or her assets if a robbery or fire was to occur. Renters insurance also conveniently covers injury that may occur within your child’s apartment—lets’ say he or she has a party and someone is injured or your child’s dog attacks a friend, renter’s insurance would help pay legal fees if your child is sued.

bY blog insurance

Cheap van insurance

Cheap van insurance

The cheap van insurance is the kind of car insurance. This insurance is quite different from the other car insurances. The cheap van insurance comes under between the truck insurance and the car insurance. This insurance aimed for the van owner, as the owner is the vital portion of the van insurance. Because, the most of the case, generally the owner drives the van alone. The intention is very clear that the small owner can buy the van insurance. So, that the cheap van insurance can do good business in the current scenario. In the cheap van insurance, the coverage is for the van, owner, and other passenger. It also covers accidental death, physical damage of the van and the small repair cost of the van. It is true that the male driver drives more in a year than a female driver does. So, that the gender discrimination may appear in this context.
If you have a good car insurance comparison with the van insurance then you will see that this insurance has a peculiar attraction to the policy buyer. Because, the cost of the insurance is relatively cheaper and cost effective. Even, if you buy this van insurance at the tender age then the premiums of this van insurance is relatively less than the other car insurance comparison. One thing to tell you that if you are driving skill is not good and you are frequently engaged yourself in the traffic accident, then you will get the less benefits from this van insurance. Actually, you should buy the higher insurance policy.
It observed that if you drive the van in the drunken condition then, it would be very difficult for yourself to get this van insurance. If you are unmarried, then you will get the higher premiums than the married person will. Even, if you drive the van for the expensive goods then you will need the higher security for your vehicle. Therefore, you have to pay the high premium for it. Moreover, if your van runs for the high mileage then you have to pay more for it. Actually, the van insurance is like other car insurance comparison, you will see that if as a driver, you have a good driving record then you can get some discount for it. Moreover, if your van is not fit for the traveling, then your van insurance may be forfeited or canceled. Therefore, when you are going to buy your van insurance policy, then you have to keep your van fully fit for traveling.

Income protection insurance

Income protection insurance

Income protection insurance is required when your income stopped due to your inability to work. It may happen due to accident or any illness. Therefore, the income protection insurance comes handy when you disabled to work. This income protection insurance will protect you from being unemployed. It is a boon in your adversity. It will save your family from the financial crisis. The policyholder of the income insurance will get the benefits from this income protection insurance. The benefits will be paid regularly as it mentioned in the policy agreement to the policyholder. The insurance company cannot discontinue the benefits of the insurance policy, if the policyholder regularly pays the premium of the insurance. The cheapest car insurance comes under the income insurance banner.

Because, the cheapest car insurance is designed for the car driver or truck drivers. In the most of the cases, the income security comes handy for the unemployed truck drivers who may become unemployed due to the accident of sickness. If the individuals pay the premiums, then the premiums does not come under the tax relief whereas, if the premiums are paid by the employers, then these premiums comes under the tax relief regime. The deferred period of the income insurance policy is very much crucial for the policyholder and the insurance company. The deferred period of the insurance policy is the main determinant of the insurance policy cost. The cheapest car insurance is very much suitable for the car industry. Because it not only cover the driver’s insurance but also the full insurance cover of the car owner.

This cheapest car insurance actually, depends on the criteria of the car owner and its passengers. If the owner comes from the higher up society then the insurance premium will be high and will get the maximum benefits from it. The insurance policy holder may increase the value of the premiums at any time if it requires. Even, the policyholder of the cheapest car insurance can request the insurance company to review it, if the policyholder has any doubt about its benefits and services. The policyholder of the cheapest car insurance is pleased with the insurance company’s service, and then the policyholder can renew the insurance policy. Therefore, the income insurance is not only giving the benefits to the policyholders itself rather it also giving the benefits to the society.

About Mobile Home Insurance

About Mobile Home Insurance

You may hear of the mobile home insurance plan, it be forced to pay certain types of accidental damage to the actual home, belongings or other structures. This type of protection is called bodily damage protection. Fireplace, blowing wind, falling items or criminal damage trigger bodily harm to the home. A policy should protect against lawsuits or claims filed from the insured individual through people. Protection of such statements as well as legal cases are called liability coverage. Statements may encompass lost wages, healthcare expenses, property damage, pain and suffering. Liability coverage aids to pay for the actual protection when it comes to case. This doesn’t pay for injuries towards the insured individual or household members. Liability coverage is performed if you find a claim or even lawsuit from the policy holder if a layman is actually hurt or even their property broken because of the activities from the policy holder. A few mobile home insurance guidelines include immediate, unexpected as well as accidental challenges. These are sometimes known as “comprehensive” policies. It must be made certain that the plan provides enough liability coverage to safeguard in case the holder is sued along with a judgment created towards him or her. A deductible may be the part of the loss that the policy holder accedes to pay out of his own pocket. A protection restrict is the optimum amount a business might pay for a covered reduction.

Obtaining the mobile home insurance

The mobile home insurance quote can be acquired within 3 ways. A real estate agent could be situated while using Agent Locator. The Primary AARP Mobile Home Insurance program can be utilized. The Primary Insurance Service Center can be approached possibly on the internet or even on phone.

Types of protection

Rc protection furnishes protection to repair or substitute the mobile home even without the any kind of deductions with regard to devaluation, as much as the need for protection purchased. Cash value protection is actually less expensive than the replacement cost. This particular will pay how much money to exchange the actual broken property minus the devaluation. This safety does apply whether or not the broken rentals are not fixed or even replaced, although the Replacement Cost Safety has been purchased.

Characteristics to search for while purchasing mobile home insurance
The policy needs to purchase some types of accidental damage to the actual home, possessions along with other buildings
Intangibles like claim service, ease of access or organization status have to be regarded as
Look into the insurance deductibles and protection limitations. A policy along with reduce insurance deductibles and better limits is actually preferable. Reduce deductibles and better limitations lead to high premium costs
The policy should force away legal cases or statements filed through persons accidentally harm by a few measures or even actions

Some companies personalize the policy with coverage upon jewelry, real furs, wrist watches, additional dwellings rented to people, business hobbies and elevated protection on stereo or Television antennas. You will find extra coverage called Fireplace Division charges as well as Emergency removal. The former are used when the mobile home is in a place that is not maintained by a fireplace division. The latter is used in order to move the mobile home if any fireplace or other unimagined peril intends it is lifestyle.


Globally protection is actually acquired for that personal possessions. This particular addresses things that are misplaced, stolen or damaged during travel. Journey crash protection can be used once the mobile home has been moved to an alternative location and can be acquired for the next premium. Lawful defense and court pricing is paid should the person is prosecuted. Identity Theft Resolution Service deals with the increasing problem associated with id theft. In case the body’s a target associated with identity theft, a therapist might help in getting in touch with the creditors, informing the police and signing affidavits. This would result in restoring the great title.

Tips for Saving Money on your Home Insurance

Tips for Saving Money on your Home Insurance

Home insurance is an important part of home ownership. As someone who owns a home, the risk of damage falls on your shoulders and it is up to you to properly insure against potential problems that might occur throughout your life. While homeowners should strive to properly insure their homes, they are not required to spend ridiculous amounts on the insurance.

 Look Around:

Taking the time to shop around and look into as many insurance companies as possible is one of the best ways to increase your savings on the cost of covering a home. Insurance companies vary widely in the price they are willing to offer and some companies might even throw in special discounts and deals that bring the price down. When shopping around, always remember to compare like-coverage. That means you should make sure all of the coverage options are the same. A company that offers less coverage for the same price as one offer more at the same price is obviously charging more.

List the Coverage Needs:

Making a list of the appropriate coverage needs helps determine if something is possible to remove and thus save money. For example, an area prone to heavy flooding needs flood insurance. A home that is unlikely to have any flooding might not need this type of coverage. Once the list is complete, discuss the options for removing elements in the coverage that are unnecessary and find out how much less it will cost per month.

Increase the Deductible:

One of the best ways to lower the amount paid out each month is offering to pay a higher deductible. Paying more if something happens is ultimately less expensive than paying out a large monthly bill when it might be years or an entire lifetime before insurance is necessary. 

Combine Coverage:

Many insurance companies offering home insurance also have other coverage options, such as auto insurance. Combining the coverage so that the car and home are both insured under the same provider results in dramatic discounts on both types of coverage. It saves money and makes it easier to keep track of the bills.

Lower the Risk of Disasters to the Home:

Fire, flooding and natural disasters are always a factor in the insurance coverage. Limiting the risk of disaster not only helps provide peace of mind against potential disasters, it also might result in special discounts on insurance. Companies will differ on what preparedness steps result in discounts, but many offer special rates for updating plumbing to prevent flood damage, putting in storm shutters or similar preparations that help limit the risk to the building.

Preparing for the potential worst case scenario is a vital part of staying healthy and happy. Home insurance provides the peace of mind that if something happens to the house or building, life goes on and only gets better. That does not mean spending more than necessary for the appropriate coverage given the location, risks and potential problems that might arise. Saving money is simple for those willing to put in the effort of finding out the deals and options available.

Top tips to Save on Homeowners Insurance

Top tips to Save on Homeowners Insurance

Looking for cheap homeowners insurance rates is no difficult. Reading the following tips,you can know how to save on homeowners insurance every month.
1.Invest in Your Home owners and Car Insurance from the Same Carrier
Invest in your homeowners insurance and car insurance from the exact same insurance carrier and you simply could save you as much as 15 % on the two premiums.* It truly is named a multi-line price cut, and nearly any insurer that gives both home and auto insurance will give a single.
2.Improve your Deductible
Escalating your deductible by just a couple hundred dollars can make a big variation within your homeowners insurance cost. Most deductibles commence at $500?aif you can pay for to lift your deductible to $1,000 and even $2,500 you could potentially help save 20 % or maybe more with your rate.* Recall, raising your deductible implies more out-of-pocket charges should really a catastrophe arise, but the reduced rates may be effectively well worth it.
 3.Insure Your Home, Not the Land Underneath It
Owners normally overpay for home owners insurance by like the value in their land in their substitute price coverage stage. Don’t forget that you only should insure the home alone along with your belongings, not your land. During the occasion of the somme decline due into a fire or other disaster, your land will most likely be just wonderful.
4.Store for the Ideal Homeowners Insurance Rate
Comparing property owners insurance rates from various companies is definitely the easiest, easiest method to save lots of funds on your own coverage.
5.Make use of Reductions
You will discover many owners insurance discounts that you may not find out about. And everything you will not know could set you back. Common special discounts consist of:
Home Protection and Protection Options: Smoke sensors, protection methods, deadbolt locks, storm shutters and fire-retardant roofing will help you decreased your rates.
Not Smoking: Some insurers charge lower premiums to smoke-free families.
Senior and Loyalty Reductions: Insurance companies frequently offer you discount rates to seniors and long-term consumers.

Don’t Forget to Put Renter’s Insurance on Back-to-School Supply List

Don’t Forget to Put Renter’s Insurance on Back-to-School Supply List

School is back-in-session which means your college aged child will begin to venture out on their own and move out of the house. No matter if you child chooses to reside in a traditional dorm room or move into a college apartment however it’s important that your child considers getting renter’s insurance—this will help safeguard your child’s personal and expensive belongings such as e-readers and laptops. And if you think your child’s items won’t need protection because they will be surrounded by “educated” students and reside in a “good” environment think again—theft in college is extremely common (intelligence has nothing to do with immorality, some students will steal anything from their peers); natural disasters can occur without warning; and last but not least college students can be just careless with their belongings. And for families that are already scrapping ends meat to send their child to school, replacing those important and expensive items out of pocket may not be easy to do.

Thus it’s important that your child is set up with proper renter’s insurance to help protect them if an unfortunate situation were to ever occur during their college career. Note that while most residences will most likely recommend a specific company to obtain renter’s insurance, your child does not have to go through them—a better alternative is to check with your vehicle insurance agency first. Since you already have a policy with them the company may just be able to provide you with some sort of discount. You can also shop around on your own to find a better deal. That said, to learn more about the kind of rental insurance your child will need for either living arrangement, continue reading below.

College Dorm Living

If your child chooses to live in a college dorm he or she may not necessarily have to buy renter’s insurance at all—your traditional homeowner’s insurance policy (or renter’s insurance policy) may very well cover some of your child’s items. And by some we mean only about 10 percent. This is because most homeowners and renter’s insurance policies put restrictions on what can and cannot be claimed once the items are off of the original property i.e. your home. So for example, if you already purchased insurance that covers $50,000, this means only $5,000 would be able to be applied to any losses your child may face.  If you don’t feel as though this is enough protection then consider getting full renter’s insurance coverage.  Just make sure to speak with your insurance company first to get the exact summary of how much your homeowner’s insurance can/will protect your child.

Apartment Dweller

 Slowly most apartment complexes are starting to mandate that residents purchase renter’s insurance in order to move-in. It makes sense, there are bigger and more valuable items located in an apartment, including television sets, desktop computers, clothes, and jewelry just to name a few. But if it is not required your child should definitely get it anyway. The added expense won’t be too much either. Some coverage policies are as little as a $100 a lease term. And your child will be thankful he or she spent a few extra dollars to protect his or her assets if a robbery or fire was to occur. Renters insurance also conveniently covers injury that may occur within your child’s apartment—lets’ say he or she has a party and someone is injured or your child’s dog attacks a friend, renter’s insurance would help pay legal fees if your child is sued.

Car Insurance quotes in London UK

Auto insurance policies are often based on the State you live in today, usually offer free auto insurance quotes. The best example of this is Chicago auto insurance quotes.

There are several insurance companies, you can choose from Chicago, what you need to do is shop around and look for the best deal you can get.

When you request a Car Insurance quotes in London UK , make sure you know what you are to seek and receive important details; here are some basic information about auto insurance policies:

Car Insurance quotes in London UK will give you 4 levels of coverage: the insured party, the insured vehicle, third parties such as car and injured people and coverage to persons riding on the insured vehicle.

In General, Auto insurance companies provide deductibles a.k.a. excess payments. These are payments that pay each time your car is repaired using your insurance policy is a fixed contribution.There are two kinds of deductibles: deductibles compulsory and voluntary deductibles. Compulsory excess is the smallest amount of your insurer will accept in your insurance policy while voluntary excesses are voluntarily will pay amounts that are usually higher than the compulsory excesses.

Car Insurance quotes in London UK may have typically premiums on the basis of the following:

Age-teenage drivers who have no violation history and received a defence driving course or have good academic grades will likely be given lower car insurance premiums.Also, insurance companies to pay lower premiums for people aged 25 and above while drivers of a senior citizen is eligible for discounts.

Marital status-insurance companies to lower premiums to drivers who are married people who are not.

Registration of vehicles-if your car has a high probability that it will be stolen, more often than not, insurance companies will give you high premium charges; However, in the case of motor cycles could cause only minor damage to the other vehicles (as opposed to loss occurrence;) have a lower liability insurance premiums.

nce-auto insurance companies rely heavily on average annual distance was expected to be driven by the insured if based on reasonable estimate, x 64-based systems mounted odometer systems based on GPS or OBDII based systems.

Remember that Chicago Auto insurance quotes now can be obtained for free through Car Insurance quotes in London UK . compare the values and benefits; do a background check of insurance company financial situation; be resourceful and patients with questions as well as for Investigators in detail because discounts. After you have selected a policy will sign the contract for a period of time and you'll be hard pressed to complete the term of the contract.

The Importance Of Getting A Home Insurance Quote

So you know that you want to get home insurance, which is going to be a very smart move on your part, but first you are going to need to get a homeowner insurance quote. The home insurance quote is very important to get, because only by getting quotes from different companies are you ever going to be able to tell which is going to offer the best deal.If you want to know something about medical insurance as well as business insurance, you may turn to insurance brokers.
People often become a bit flustered when they start to realize just how many different insurance companies and plans there are to choose from, and they have no idea which route to take and which is going to be best for them, but getting the home insurance quote is definitely the starting point for everyone here.
So to start getting a home insurance quote, you are going to need to choose a few home insurance companies that seem reputable and respectable and worth looking more into. This is very easy to do, and you just have to go through any company that you are considering, and either go onto their website and fill out a short online form to get an estimated quote, or you can talk to a representative at the company to get more details and do it one on one.
Remember that while this home insurance quote is going to be based on the specific information that you have offered to the company, at the same time it is not going to be exact, and so you have to remember this and know that if you do choose to go through this company, the price that you end up paying may be higher or lower.
It really all depends on various factors, and more than anything how long you wait from getting the quote to deciding which company to actually sign up with for your home insurance. The idea of getting these quotes though is to help you in your decision here and make sure that you are going to be getting the best deal, and getting all the insurance that you need for the best possible price.
Take a home insurance quote seriously, and compare other factors as well. Remember, when you get home insurance this is not something that you are going to want to switch from company to company and back again for. Rather, you want to find a good company that you can stick with for this for the long term.

AVIVA Insurance - Car Insurance in London

PO Box 4
Surrey Street

Car insurance contact details
For a new quote:
0800 015 4715*

Change your policy:
0844 891 1101**

General enquiries
Our switchboard is open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
01603 622200*

If you are calling from abroad
0044 1603 208931*

Contact us by fax:
Our fax number is 01603 683659

Keith Michaels PLC - Car Insurance - Surrey

Keith Michaels PLCCentral House, 1-15 Central Road, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 8EG.

Need car insurance and looking for a personal agent or advisor? Keith Michaels plc, Car Insurance Specialists, have arranged numerous schemes for the specialist vehicle user. Whatever vehicle you drive, we can accommodate yourcar insurance requirements. We have earned our reputation for Motor Insurance and pride ourselves on maintaining very high standards of customer care and claims handling. 

0845 337 3380
(BT Local Rate)

0845 013 8235
(BT Local Rate)

Claims Department
0845 521 1369

Office Manager
Neil Donovan
0845 013 8230

Sales Manager
Jason Robery
0845 013 8232

Assistant Sales Manager
Gary Hamilton
0845 013 8227

Underwriting Manager
Christian Wheatley
0845 013 8226

Sales Staff

John Roberts
0845 013 8229

Fraser McKay
0845 013 8228

Jeremy Pocock
0845 618 5306

Patrick Connolly
0845 618 5312

Mark Bullock
0845 618 5307

Gary Moulson
0845 013 8231

Matthew Moody
0845 013 8225

Direct Debits

Andrew Bumstead
0845 618 5310

Administration Staff

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Buy A Car: The Art Of Negotiation

When you head to the dealership, start out by being sure you are prepared. Have your research
printed out and available for reference. Be sure you are dressed appropriately and how you are
dressed does not belie what you are going to be telling the salesperson. If you are going with
your spouse, be sure you’ve decided in advance what you are willing to pay.
When you meet with the salesperson, do not give too much information. If the salesperson asks
what you are going to be doing with your old car, or if you will want financing, simply and politely
delay the discussion by saying you haven’t decided yet.
Stay focused on the car you want and do not tell the salesperson the maximum you are willing
to pay. You might say the low end of what you are willing to pay, and if the salesperson asks
what your max is, simply repeat the amount you’ve already stated.

Also, avoid getting overly excited about a car. Don’t show that you have to have this particular
car, or that you’ve wanted one your whole life. Treat buying the car the same as if you were
choosing an insurance provider: calmly looking at the pros and cons and negotiating each
individual fee.
While negotiating, do not sign anything or give any personal information, besides your name.
You do not need to sign anything until you are actually buying the car, and you do not need to
give your social security number unless and until you are getting financing.
Be certain you are getting a deal you are comfortable with, and always be willing to walk away.
There are a lot of dealerships out there, and no dealership is the only place in the world that has
a car that will work for you.

The way to ensure that you get the best deal possible on your next car purchase

The way to ensure that you get the best deal possible on your next car purchase is research.
The internet provides access to a wealth of information that puts you in the driver’s seat when
negotiating with a car salesman. Here are some tips that you can use to save yourself some
The most important thing is to concentrate on the vehicle that you want. Don’t get caught up in
the deals being offered – you’ll end up choosing the car they want to sell you, not the car you
want to own.

Once you know what car you want, research how much that car is selling for. There are
websites that will tell you the dealer’s cost for that automobile. This allows you to bargain from
the dealer’s invoice price, and not the sticker price.
Check with the other dealerships that offer that brand, and make them aware that you have
looked around. Let the different dealerships compete to offer you the best deal.
When dealing with car salesman it is important to remember two things. The first is that they
are probably as honest as the next guy. Their work is at least partially based on their
reputations, so they won’t go out of their way to screw you over. However, they are paid on
commission, so their goals are not the same as yours.
The current model year seems to come earlier every year, By waiting for the first new cars to
arrive, you can get yourself a great deal on a new car from the previous model year, which the
dealer will need to sell in order to make room for the incoming selections.
All the deals being offered on new cars lately has helped drive down the price of used cars.
Consider a two year old car may be 30% less than it was brand new, and will probably still be
under warranty.
Leasing provides lower monthly payments than buying with an auto loan.
But it's not for everybody. If you don't have money for a down payment or if you trade your car
every two or three years, you may be a good candidate for a lease.
Be careful after you’ve agreed to a deal with a salesperson. You will then be sent to the
financial manager. They are not there just for the paperwork after the sale has been made. He
or she wants to sell you high-profit financial and mechanical add-ons. These are seldom worth
the money
Finally, spend some effort shopping for the money before you shop for the car. Getting the right
deal on a car loan is just as important as getting the right deal on the car. If you plan to buy with
a loan, check your credit union or local bank quotations to find the lowest rate. Getting a preapproved
loan will give you added confidence in negotiating a good price.

Buy A Car: Get A Vehicle Inspection

Once you’ve looked over your used vehicle, inspected it yourself, test driven it, and negotiated a
price, you may think you are done and the only thing you have left to do is sign next to the little
post it sticky and drive away with your practical new to you car.
Before you drive away, or sign anything, make sure that your car purchase is conditional on the
car passing a vehicle inspection by an independent mechanic. If you can’t take the vehicle to
the mechanic, automobile associations often have mechanics who will travel to the car and
inspect it at the dealership or the private seller’s home. This inspection can cost between $75 to
$100, so this should be one of your last steps in purchasing a car – you don’t want to spend
$100 on every car you look at.

An independent mechanic can make certain that the car is actually in good shape. He or she
might find small concerns with the car – brake pads needing to be replaced soon, or a worn belt.
This may allow you to go back and renegotiate the price of the car, perhaps deducting some of
the repair costs, or having the dealer do the repairs. If the dealer does the repairs, you may wish
to get another vehicle inspection after he or she is done.
So in your deal with a dealer, or while talking to a private seller, make sure it is known and
written down that the deal is dependent upon a vehicle inspection.
Have a clause added to the deal “this deal is contingent upon an inspection by mechanic Bob
and my accepting of that vehicle inspection”. If the dealer will not accept this clause, simply do
not sign the deal until the vehicle inspection has been done.
If the dealer or seller refuses a vehicle inspection by an independent mechanic, walk away.
Better yet, run away.
Also be willing to walk away from the car if the results of the vehicle inspection are not good.
You do not want to spend the next few years with a car that breaks down on the way to work.

Buy A Car: Choosing The Right One

Buying a car, other than buying a house, is often the single most expensive purchases a person
can make in their life. How do you choose that car?
A car, SUV, truck, or minivan needs to basically do one thing: get you and your family from point
A to point B. What kind of car can do this most efficiently for you?

First of all, do you want a car? A minivan? An SUV? You need to consider what you will be
using the vehicle for. Just because you have two or three kids to taxi around does not always
mean you need a minivan. There are many larger sedan style cars, as well as station wagon
style cars, that car manufacturers are gearing towards the family on the go. Smaller minivans
can also work well for many families, while being more fuel efficient in these days of rising gas
and energy prices.
A Sports Utility Vehicle is a fun choice, and great for those who like to camp and go offroading.
Judging from the number of SUVs sold in North America, that seems like pretty much a third of
the population. SUVs may not be the best choice for many who don’t often camp or need a
SUV, because they are big and use a lot of gas.
A pickup truck with a crew cab can be a good choice for the driver who needs both the ability to
haul loads, and take their kids to hockey practice.
Do you want a hybrid car?
Hybrid cars are the newest form of car designed to be fuel efficient. They have two motors, one
gas and one electric. During braking, the electric motor generates electricity, which is stored and
used to run the car’s lights, etc. This can save gas, but not necessarily so much that you save
enough money in gas to make up for the higher price of the car. But for the environmentally
conscious, the commuter who has to drive a lot or far distances, or those who just like the look
of the car, a hybrid car can be great. The Toyota Prius, for example, can get up to 60 miles to
the gallon. This can work out to savings in the long run, depending on how long you keep the

Electric cars
Electric cars run off of fuel cells, and are thus more environmentally friendly than gas powered
cars – no air pollution. These cars may not be the best choice for everyone. If you decide you
want an electric car, be sure and research the individual model you want.
Another important decision which you will need to make is whether to buy a new or used car.
This is a personal decision, based on a variety of factors, including comfort, financing, trade-ins,
and price.