When You Require Auto Insurance Urgently

When You Require Auto Insurance Urgently Lately, I often get the brochures about the various kinds of insurance with the tantalizing promise any benefit when we follow. Marketing they often call asking me to become members. Because I know to require insurance claim procedure is quite complicated and difficult so I like to reject it. But when my friend offered and explained I got interested. I want to ask how good insurance? For what things are really necessary insured because I was offered a variety of insurance like health insurance, children's education to a motor vehicle? And what procedures should be considered?

Thank you in advance for the answer


Basically, insurance is a financial product that has a function to provide financial protection against the risk / disaster that may occur. There are two things we have to underline here, the Protection of finance and risk. The definition of financial protection that insurance provides compensation or redress if there is a risk. What is meant by risk / accident that is covered by insurance events such as death, accident, disability, fire, etc..

So, to answer whether or not we need insurance and what insurance is needed, should take a look at the risk of what might happen and how large are the financial consequences. For example, you are a family head who support his wife and children. If you die, your wife and kids would lose income. This means you need a life insurance so that in case of disaster, then the insurance will provide compensation to the children and wife to replace the temporary living. But if you're still single and have no dependents or debts, then there is no financial effect is great if you die, this means you do not need life insurance.

Life insurance has many variants to attract customers. Is the simplest type of term life insurance where your funds will be forfeited if not disaster. Actually, such insurance is the most beneficial to customers, because the premiums are cheap and do not have to worry if the insurance company went bankrupt in the future. But unfortunately a lot of customers who are not interested because of the money forfeited if no claim.

There is also a life insurance investment plus a variety of forms as well as education insurance, pension insurance, and so forth. Essentially the same, plus insurance investment. The only difference is the intended use of investment funds, whether the investment is for the cost of children's education or for retirement later.

The same principle with insurance such as home and vehicle insurance. If you have your vehicle was damaged by an accident or stolen, whether it will affect your finances. If yes, then you need car insurance. Vice versa if you feel it is not important or problematic to use private money for the damage to the vehicle, then you do not have vehicle insurance.

Insurance as an umbrella that can protect you in the rain. He only used as a precaution only. If it rains it will be used, if it is not raining it is unused. However, unused or not, you still have to buy the umbrella. So before deciding whether to buy an umbrella or not, consider whether the day will be rainy or sunny-bright it seems. Have a problem if it rained, or it does not matter a bit wet. Same with insurance, first consider how big is the risk occurs. And will it be problematic if there is a risk, meaning that the risk can be borne alone, or be supported by insurance.

What is good insurance? Ie insurance that suits your needs. If you find it difficult to save regularly, select a course of education that could force insurers to set aside funds for future children. But if you already have your own education funding plan, term life insurance will be better for you. For health insurance, try to learn the rules the company where you work, that is sufficient, then the insurance is no longer needed. In addition, as a Muslim, sharia choose. Because of Takaful free from usury and gambling elements are very strong in conventional insurance.

Some things you should pay attention to when buying insurance.

For life insurance, be sure to name your own party is insured as wage earner, not on behalf of his wife. Enter the name of his wife and children as the beneficiaries.
Keep insurance policies in a safe and known also by your heirs. Especially for home insurance policy, do not be kept in the house.
Third, ask the insurance officer to explain to you and your heirs how insurance claims procedure in case of disaster.
Make sure you always pay the premiums on time and save it as proof of payment will be required at the time of claim. Do not depend on the premium collection clerk, if they do not come, paid directly to his office.
NSURANCE is closely related to the protection. As with life insurance that protects a person's soul, the vehicle insurance is also useful to protect the vehicle.

Despite knowing the importance of insurance, not everyone is willing to insure their cars for various reasons.

"If it were not necessary, anyway? The answer is necessary. Insurance that mind set. People know, but do not want to know. Usually the reason is expensive, do not need insurance because the car is not worn away, the money is gone, and all sorts. In fact, the benefits are tremendous, "explains Head of Marketing Communications and PR PT Astra Buana Insurance (Garda Oto) Lawrence Iwan Sutanto Pranoto the Pelita Online in Jakarta, Sunday (31/7).

Vehicle protection is usually provided by general insurance companies (general insurance). Products and types vary. Prospective buyers should be careful and know all the benefits of the product to be purchased to protect their cars.

Types of vehicle insurance coverage, there are three. First, the total loss only (TLO). Here, the insurance company will replace over 75 percent damage or risk losing the vehicle.

The second is a comprehensive (holistic). Here its partial protection or in part. For example, vehicle terserempet other vehicles and causing minor damage, it will be paid by insurance.

Last is the additional protection (rider). Here, the insurance company will provide additional benefits beyond the TLO and comprehensive, such as the risk of terrorism, flood, natural disaster, personal accident, and the Third Party Liability (TJH).

"So, when buying the vehicle asked salesnya. Does the car have directly insured? What kind of protection? It all needs to be asked for in the future if the owner of the car exposed to the risks above, it can be safe and quiet, "continued Iwan.

With insurance, the owner will be quiet if one day the vehicle was destroyed because it was hit or hit another car.

Before choosing the type of protection, vehicle owners must choose a credible insurance company, has a good track record, positive financial reports, and recognized the community.

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